Background and Outline Philosophical Theology: Tillich's Main Ideas & Outline

Elements of religion: Demands & Rewards
Idolatrous religion: demands without the promised rewards
Examples of Idolatrous religion: drugs, alcohol
Examples of things that are similar to religion - fill a similar need: Job, career, community, family

          First Paragraph: Introduction:  Tillich argues that religion answers the question of the meaning of existence. His primary critique of the Freudian worldview is that Freud's anti-religious dogmatism led him to ignore this basic human yearning that only religion can answer. Freud therefore was limited to the narrow prism that people only fear death and any other anxiety is infantile or neurotic.

       Second Paragraph: Tillich's view of religion something someone gives their whole life to. Other examples of religion-  Nazi party, country, human rights (catholics who gave their life to save jews because they believed their faith dictated this morality)

       Third Paragraph: Inspired by his witnessing WW1 firsthand and the precursor and events of ww2 that jews, catholics and nazis all were willing to give everything: money, fame, life, integrity to a cause they believed in.
        Fourth Paragraph: elements of religion: reward punishment.
        Fifth Paragraph: idolatrous religion- examples and how each one is idolatrous
        Sixth Paragraph: How Freud's substitutes for religion: science and rationality are inadequate - no reward, no demands, did not answer the question of the meaning of existence.


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